Uses of Precious Metals Series: Episode 9 – Uses of Platinum

Uses of Precious Metals Series: Episode 9 – Uses of Platinum

Uses of Platinum

Uses of Precious Metals Series: Episode 9 – Uses of Platinum

Platinum is the least reactive metal found on the periodic table and has a high resistance to corrosion even whilst subjected to high temperatures. It is number 78 and has a silvery white appearance.

Platinum is so un-reactive that unlike the majority of the world’s mineral wealth it is found chemically un-combined in a state known as native platinum. It has been known about in some way or another since at least the 16th century where native South Americans found it in the alluvial deposits left by rivers and used it to craft artefacts. The first European records of platinum come from the 18th century when reports coming from South America were finally investigated.

Today the vast majority of the world supply of Platinum comes from South African mines however this only amounts to a few hundred tonnes of the metal each year and when coupled with the many uses of platinum combine to make it a high value commodity.

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